‘Nature’ - the wild world, the great creation, the complex wonder of all that is not under human control - this has entranced me since I can remember. I have tried for decades to capture it in words and, of course, have failed. I have written about the human relationship with the non-human world in relation to politics, environmental activism, art, writing, ways of life. I have written about the economic, political, material and spiritual aspects of the subject, in every form I can manage: essays, poetry, fiction, investigative journalism.
I started writing as a young, eager, radical eco-activist back in the early 90s. I’m older, wiser, greyer and more disillusioned (or realistic) now, but the fire of connection still burns as strong as it did when I was chained to bulldozers at Twyford Down. The articles here are just some - perhaps the best - of what I’ve written about my world’s failing relationship with the living Earth over the last quarter of a century. The best of these, and some others, are collected and framed by the wider story in my book Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist.
In the Black Chamber
God is in nature and nature is in God. Without a spiritual understanding of nature, even our attempts to ‘protect’ it will turn toxic. 2014.
Dark Ecology
The collapse of the old green narrative, the rise of the techno-greens, and what we can actually do to prepare for the coming Dark Age. 2013.
The Bay
Morecambe Bay might be the last wild place in England. 2013.
A Crisis of Bigness
The crisis currently playing out on the world stage is a crisis of growth. Not too little growth, but too much of it. 2011.
Forty Days
Withdrawal or retreat from a collapsing culture are not cowardly or irresponsible, but vital spiritual necessities. 2013.
The Quants & the Poets
Or: how the greens torpedoed themselves with numbers, how politics is a front for archetypal emotions, and how we'd all be better off admitting it. 2011.
The Poet & the Machine
Or: how to accept despair and avoid wishful thinking, with the help of stoicism and poetry. 2011.
Progress & Land
Fear of the land, and rejection of place, are essential components of the religion of progress. Why? 2010.
An Untutored Townsman’s
Invasion of the Country
An account of moving from the city to the country, and the obstacles this presents. 2010.
Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist
Environmentalism has lost its soul: a personal account of my disillusion with a movement, and what came next.
Journey to the Dark Mountain
The transcript of a talk in which I try to explain to an audience, and perhaps to myself, the essence of the Dark Mountain Project. 2010.
A Line in the Green Sand
When ‘renewable energy’ starts to damage the very landscape it is supposedly designed to protect, something has gone wrong.
In Praise of the Nimby
Those who want to protect their ‘backyards’ are painted as villains by the priests of progress, but they are the opposite. 2004.
Life Beyond the Motorway
The parts of Britain which really live are the ones the motorway doesn’t reach. 1998.
Twyford Down: Five Years On
A short retrospective on the Twyford Down road protests, commissioned for a book put together by some of the activists involved. 1998.